Asp.net is an important platform in a website. That is why; the latest asp.net technology can be really essential because it can support your website really well. Now the question is that, what are the kinds of the latest ASP.Net technology? Below we will give some information about the latest asp.net technology that you can use.
- The asp.net MVC Framework
The first technology is the asp.net MVC Framework. What is this? This is actually an open source web application framework that can be implemented with model view controller (MVC) pattern. The function of this technology is that to help us in creating application that will separate the different aspect of application.
If you were always deal with website or if you were a website owner, you are maybe familiar with CMS or Content Management System. Actually, what is the meaning of CMS? CMS is web application or web software that has some aims such as make an easier management system such as uploading, editing, adding and many more contents into a website, blog, web application without needing any knowledge about technical things. Besides that, users are also not required for mastering the programming language for using a CMS. That is why; CMS offers many things to make a website managing is much easier.
Why we have to use SSL? There are many people who ask about this question. That is why; it becomes really interesting to answer this question. Is SSL really important? SSL is like a backbone for our internet security and it will protect sensitive information along your internet data traffic. It will protect internet from any criminal attacks and gives many direct benefits for you and your customers.
Benefits of SSL
SSL can help you in encrypting the sensitive information. The main reason why you have to use SSL is to protect any sensitive information while the shipping process through internet is still running.
We knew that having a blog is really fun and it can be a great media for getting some incomes. That is why; nowadays there are many people who want to have and manage a blog or maybe more than one blog. For you who want to start owning a blog, we have some beginners’ tips that maybe it will be essential for you. What are those tips? Let’s check it out below.
- Decide your aim and topic
First of all, you have to decide the aim and topic of your blog.
There are many people assume that the first step in making a website is about designing. Actually, knowing some tips in choosing the right domain is the other essential thing that you have to aware. There are many people who forget about this thing because they always concentrate in designing their website. If we had already run a business before, we can try to insert our business name to make it as a domain. However, the problem is that is that domain is still available? What we have to do if a domain that we want was already used by the other users?
Sitelock is one of the important features that you have to add in your website. However, what is sitelock actually? Sitelock is a security service feature for a website that will give any protections from hackers’ attack, malware and the other things that can break a business website. Besides protecting website from any dangerous things in the internet, sitelock will also protect our website so it will be avoided from any blocks that are done by search engine, like Google.
Why you have to use sitelock for your business website?
As what we already explained above, sitelock is really important to secure your website for any dangerous things in online world.
Website builder service is a service where you can design your own website easily, quickly and really simple. This is an internet facility that is used to build our own website without needed to host the file on our website on web hosting. Web builder site provides some features to build website in easiest way, especially for beginner.
Website builder site can be divided into two types: the free type and paid version. If you wanted to make a blog site with website builder, you can use free blog facility that is made by Google, blogger.com. However, blogger.com can be only used to build an information site or it is usually called a blog.
Choosing the right web hosting for your website is not a piece of cake. There are some aspects that you need to check before making a decision in buying a hosting. What are the kinds of things that you need to check before buying a hosting? Below is the further information and explanation that we will share.
- Price
The first thing that you need to check is price. You have to understand and know the detail of price that is offered by a web hosting provider. Usually, they have some kinds of packages with certain range of price.
On this article, we will try to compare between php and asp.net. We will try to compare these things on some aspects such as from the scalability, price and performance. In a side, php is a programming language that has millions of developers and it has some communities in a huge size. On the other side, asp.net is a platform that is made by Microsoft by using a .net language to develop its business. So, which one is the best? Below we will try to compare them on some aspects.
- Price
PHP is free, meanwhile asp.net is paid.
If we talked about SSL, there are many related words that we can discuss. One of those things is about the type of SSL. Actually, there are 4 kinds of SSL that we can find and how to choose SSL is different between each type. That is why; below we will inform those 4 kinds of SSL and how to choose each SSL.
- Domain Validated SSL Certificate
This SSL is used for validating the ownership of your SSL and this type is the most popular type among bloggers. The data that is used has to be same with the domain data at WHOIS so it is guaranteed.