If you happen to have an intention on starting off online business, then you might need to pay attention to how to improve your business with web hosting. In general, people usually prefer to pay attention to several things they are accustomed to in the matter of business, such as the potential market, the strength of the products they offer, and anything that pertains to the matter.
The Services of Web Hosting
However, there are only a few people who realize that there is more than just those products related factors mentioned earlier. In that case, there is one thing you need to resort to if you want your online business to be successful.

What is reseller hosting? It is a web-hosting reseller purchasing service from a bigger web hosting provider. It divides the service into custom hosting plans and resells the service to the customers. It looks like a typical wholesaler-retailer business model. It is now getting popular with web entrepreneurs and bloggers who want to earn money from web. Besides popular, this business model is also easy. It is really effortless to sell a hosting service or website. Just get it started by building a website and make your reseller plan with reputable web hosting provider. To become a hosting reseller, you don’t need expensive cost.
Building a modern website cannot be separated from the framework used for it. When it comes for web framework, ASP.NET is probably one of the popular frameworks. As open source framework, it can be used easily. The best part about this framework is the language support. It allows web programmer to use any programing languages, including HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, and many more. Due to the simple and practical operational of this framework, plenty of web programmers favor it among other frameworks. The latest version of ASP.NET development is the 5.0 version. What makes this version different from the 4.0? Here are the upgrades implemented in 5.0 that cannot be found on its predecessor version.
It is necessary to know the features brought by Windows Server 2016 after it has been available. This section will describe some new changed things of it. The new features will be discussed further by categorizing them into some aspects as follows.
New Features of Different Aspects in Windows Server 2016
1. Networking
One of the new things in Window Server 2016 is about the networking features. The improvement is made for TCP performance and SDN or Software Defined Networking. Windows has implemented TCP TLP or Tail Loss Probe as well as RACK or Recent Acknowledgment.
Have you ever heard about the application pool? For us who are rarely involving with internet or online website world, that term is maybe a little bit strange. Application pool is actually a feature that can help to isolate your applications, from one of the other applications, although they are in the same server. It will protect your application as well because if there was an error in an application, it will not have any impacts for the other applications. In addition, application pool will also separate applications that need different security level. Below are some further information about how application pool is worked that maybe it will be essential and beneficial for you.
Sitelock is one of the important features that you have to add in your website. However, what is sitelock actually? Sitelock is a security service feature for a website that will give any protections from hackers’ attack, malware and the other things that can break a business website. Besides protecting website from any dangerous things in the internet, sitelock will also protect our website so it will be avoided from any blocks that are done by search engine, like Google.
Why you have to use sitelock for your business website?
As what we already explained above, sitelock is really important to secure your website for any dangerous things in online world.
On this article, we will try to compare between php and asp.net. We will try to compare these things on some aspects such as from the scalability, price and performance. In a side, php is a programming language that has millions of developers and it has some communities in a huge size. On the other side, asp.net is a platform that is made by Microsoft by using a .net language to develop its business. So, which one is the best? Below we will try to compare them on some aspects.
- Price
PHP is free, meanwhile asp.net is paid.
If we talked about SSL, there are many related words that we can discuss. One of those things is about the type of SSL. Actually, there are 4 kinds of SSL that we can find and how to choose SSL is different between each type. That is why; below we will inform those 4 kinds of SSL and how to choose each SSL.
- Domain Validated SSL Certificate
This SSL is used for validating the ownership of your SSL and this type is the most popular type among bloggers. The data that is used has to be same with the domain data at WHOIS so it is guaranteed.
Hosting provides many email packages that are separated from web hosting. This kind of email service is usually used for the company email. Email hosting and web hosting is separated to increase the performance and stability of company’s email. Besides that, email hosting package is designed with bigger storage capacity than cheap web hosting package.
Mail hosting or the email services on web hosting company can be accessed from computer (outlook, thunderbird) and smartphone such as Android, iPhone and Windows Phone by using a web mail, POP, IMAP and SMTP. All mailbox emails will be protected by using an anti virus and popular anti spam.
How Joomla is Beneficial for Developing Business Website – Nowadays, Joomla is one of most wanted CMS in this world. There are so many reasons why people preferred for choosing this platform such as because of the system support availability that is free, flexibility and also users friendly. Joomla hosting can be running well on all the operation system, whether for Linux or Windows. It is also compatible with all the kinds of web hosting such as the shared hosting or dedicated web hosting.
Below are some best features from Joomla that can be an answer of the question on How Joomla is Beneficial for Developing Business Website:
- Wide Features and Joomla System
Joomla will make all the users are possible to build many online application and websites such as a company website, a job portal, intranet, ekstraner, community portal, family portal and also the private website.