What is Shared SSL? – SSL or Secure Socket Layers is a protocol that wills possibly the information transfer process and data that is done was encrypted so that it will become more secure. In related with ssl, you maybe will hear about shared SSL as well. What is that actually? Below we will explain more about the shared SSL.
Definition of Shared SSL
For using the shared SSL you have to use a domain and usually you will not be able to use your own domain. Usually, if you used shared SSL on your own domain, there will be a warning of un-valid SSL in your browser and sometimes you will be unable to access your website.
Have you ever heard about the application pool? For us who are rarely involving with internet or online website world, that term is maybe a little bit strange. Application pool is actually a feature that can help to isolate your applications, from one of the other applications, although they are in the same server. It will protect your application as well because if there was an error in an application, it will not have any impacts for the other applications. In addition, application pool will also separate applications that need different security level. Below are some further information about how application pool is worked that maybe it will be essential and beneficial for you.
There are many kinds of CMS that you can choose for your website. One of those options is Kentico. Kentico is a CMS or Content Management System that can be used to build a website, online store, intranets and web 2.0 community sites. Kentico had been used in more than 2000 websites in 74 countries. The tools of Kentico are ASP.NET and Microsoft SQL Server. Below, we will try to explain more about this CMS.
The Features of Kentico
For knowing more about this CMS, First Of all we will talk about the features that are owned by Kentico .
Blog Hosting provider is an essential thing for your website. Nowadays, there are many providers that offer many kinds of hosting facilities with affordable price and complete facilities (as what they usually said). That is true that many providers offer many different and interesting things for us. So, which one is the best? Below are some tips that you can do in choosing the right blog hosting provider.
Find As much As Information and References
Cheap is not a keyword for this case. Besides that, you have to be careful with unlimited offer as well.
MoreHosting controls panels is a feature that is essential for website. It can allow users to for managing many server services of a web browser. There are many kinds of hosting controls panels that are really popular among the internet users. Nowadays on this article, we will explain and compare between Plesk and Websitepanel. That is why; you have to stay on this article if you wanted to know the different between these things.
We will start from Plesk. Plesk is actually a leading control panel in United States. Furthermore, this control panel has for about 75 up to 80% in the European market.
Have you ever heard about Dotnetnuke? What is Dotnetnuke? Dotnetnuke is actually a kind of open source CMS or content Management System by using the VB.NET language. This CMS application can be widened by the usage of module and skin so that this application is used for make, spread and maintain the intranet, extranet and website. The professional edition of dotnetnuke had already covered the security upgrades, stability and guarantee support from the product or even application and it is available in cheaper price than the other application. For further explanation about Dotnetnuke, you can read our explanation below.
MoreAs a website owner, sometimes we are faced with many kinds of financial considerations. Nowadays, there are many questions that are related with this case. Some questions like how we can push the cost, do we need this and that are maybe the kinds of questions that we always hear every day. Saving for making more profit is a good thing to do. However, doing a saving action in a really extreme step is not a really wise thing to do.
One of them is about the static ip. Many people are still confuse enough in deciding whether they need a static IP or not.
Blog is now becoming a really effective tool not only for saying about your opinions and share some knowledge, but also it becomes a really effective tool to get some profits. In the other words we can say that if blog was maintained really well and with the right way, it can be a really effective tool to make some money. One of the ways to raise your blog popularity is by updating your blog with some contents like articles continuously. Does it mean that you have to update as much as article? Which one is better, the quality or quantity of the blog content?
WordPress Automatic Update is a new feature that will be rolled out by WordPress. As we know that WordPress is usually having a simple update system, but it requires manually initiating of that process. The newest WordPress Automatic Update will update everything for you in a really easy way. Furthermore, you are even not need to touch every single thing. However, many people are still confused in using this new feature. It is because there are many goods and bad that attach on this feature. Below are further explanations about this.
The Good
Hackers are still becoming really big problems for website or blog.
For a blogger or online businessman, traffic is an essential thing because it can be a sign for the popularity of their website. Actually, there are many steps that we can do to help in increasing the amount of visitors in our sites. Some of these steps can be done freely. What are those kinds’ free steps? On this article, we will try to explain some ways to increase the potential traffic for our website.
- Doing the Blog Walking
Blog walking is an activity where you have to visit the other people’s blog or website that is still having any relationship with our blog and then leaving any comments on that blog or website.