There is a growing trend these days where everyone is turning to cloud hosting. Whether it is for business or personal reason, the cloud system seems like a new popular trend that everyone is turning to. Of course, there are logical reasons why people are doing such a thing. Budgets efficiency and work functionality are the major key strength for such a migration.
Cloud Hosting Better Values and Benefits
You need to realize that technologies are always improving and developing. If you want to keep up with it, you should be able to enjoy the greater perks.
PHP is best-known as scripting language which codes is processed prior to computer or web browser usage. The PHP is processed on the server to generate the output. This is where the files for websites are stored before they’re transmitted. With PHP, analyzable operating instructions are computerized on the server in a secured mode. HTML/CSS pages is the output of the PHP code which the web browser will then read and understood.
What’s New on PHP 7.1.8?
When choosing the best PHP 7.1.8 hosting you must consider a few options. The best one have to be able to avert any expected compatibility issues.
What is reseller hosting? It is a web-hosting reseller purchasing service from a bigger web hosting provider. It divides the service into custom hosting plans and resells the service to the customers. It looks like a typical wholesaler-retailer business model. It is now getting popular with web entrepreneurs and bloggers who want to earn money from web. Besides popular, this business model is also easy. It is really effortless to sell a hosting service or website. Just get it started by building a website and make your reseller plan with reputable web hosting provider. To become a hosting reseller, you don’t need expensive cost.
When opening a website using your favorite browser, you normally find HTTP right in the front of particular web address. HTTP itself is considered as network protocol. It is a common protocol used throughout World Wide Web. Due to the rapid development of technology, this network protocol is upgraded as well. The upgraded version is called as HTTP/2. What makes them different? Let’s start with something simple such as what it stands for. Formerly, HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol. As original version, it is called as HTTP 1.1. Therefore, the upgraded version is called as HTTP/2.0. In order to make it shorter, they change it into HTTP/2.
Building a modern website cannot be separated from the framework used for it. When it comes for web framework, ASP.NET is probably one of the popular frameworks. As open source framework, it can be used easily. The best part about this framework is the language support. It allows web programmer to use any programing languages, including HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, and many more. Due to the simple and practical operational of this framework, plenty of web programmers favor it among other frameworks. The latest version of ASP.NET development is the 5.0 version. What makes this version different from the 4.0? Here are the upgrades implemented in 5.0 that cannot be found on its predecessor version.
If you have a web hosting, basically all you do is working on your control panel interface. You can do this through two methods, either File Manager or FTP. FTP or file transfer protocol is a method to manage your files. Through those two methods, you will be able to download any file from your site into your computer. You can also upload files to the website, move them and edit them all at once. Basically, both of them are there to help you done your task quickly.
Pros and Cons of using FTP and File Manager
However, if both of them do the same thing, what makes them different?

Technological development has gotten more and more sophisticated nowadays. The increased utilization of internet has brought us to an era in which everything is connected. You can literally use the internet for almost everything, including doing business and other projects. One of the most useful aspects of the internet is the existence of website. Through a website, you can connect to the people around the world. It is basically a central place that connects many other web pages that you can access through visiting the main page.
Why You Need to Back up Your Website?
Nowadays, there are websites for everything.

Internet changes many things in today era. You can access tons of information at hand easily using smartphone or tablet. Well, although people still use PC and laptop, smartphone is the top device to access internet. When discussing about internet, you cannot ignore the most popular technology called website. Everything you want and need is available in website. For startup website, it is the toughest place to compete because millions of websites appear every day. You will compete with new and old player, especially the giant players with billion traffics. What do you do to overcome this situation? Some matters are good to consider as a part of five must have things for startup website.
Window Server 2012 – maybe most of you had already heard about Windows Server 2012. What is this actually? Window Server 2012 is the newest operation system that is released by Microsoft after Windows server 2008 and Windows server 2012. Just like the Windows server 20018 R2, the Window Server 2012 is only produced in 64 bit architecture. Below we will share more information about this windows server from Microsoft.
Window Server 2012 is actually divided into 4 different editions. This is also an essential knowledge that you have to know. Those editions are:
• Window Server 2012 Foundation
• Window Server 2012 Essential
• Window Server 2012Stabdard
• Window Server 2012 Datacenter
Those are 4 different editions of Window Server 2012.
How to Transfer your Website without Downtime – Technology is having fast development at the present time that will possibly for migrating website from a host to the other host. However, this migration process is usually giving downtime effect that can have a bad impact for customers. Furthermore, DNS transfer will cause that website is broken for about 12 up to 772 hours long. Below we will share some tips to transfer your website without downtime or at least to make it minimum.
1. Make sure that the migration process is succeed before it was denied
It means that you may not deny or stopping the process before a contract was done.