SharePoint 2017 is probably the newest and latest series of SharePoint that was developed by Microsoft. It was developed alongside of OneDrive as one of the best and most reliable online storage in which you can store pretty much anything you want.
SharePoint in 2017 Prediction and Review
In that case, such thing referred there is the document or any files you want to store outside of your PC or simply any other means of storage. Compared to the previous series of SharePoint, the SharePoint 2017 does come with several new means and new features you did not find in the previous series of SharePoint and all.

If asked about the difference between the PHP and ASP.Net, just few people would probably be familiar with those terms in the first place. Yes, not many have been familiar with these technology related terms since they are actually quite foreign compared to other terms we have been familiar with.
The Details on ASP.Net and PHP Comparison
In this case, these terms actually refers to the programming language program usually used on the internet and everything that pertains to it. In the matter of this, this article will completely revolve on the comparison between these programming languages programs and all good things they both come with.

You probably have heard about Visual Studio Lightswitch before and yet you don’t really understand what it is. Well, unless you are a web developer or a code designer, you don’t really need to know the basic function of the program. It doesn’t hurt, though, to understand more about the program and its basic functionality. Who knows? Maybe you will be dealing with it someday although not as the main developer.
Introduction of Visual Studio Lightswitch Program
The Lightswitch is a part of Microsoft application tool with RAD (Rapid Application Development) concept. If you want to create applications that look professional and completely functional for the cloud, web, or desktop, this is your go-to tool.
The Microsoft FrontPage has become a vital instrument that provided users with non-technical knowledge an uncomplicated method of creating websites. A server-side scripting and HTML editor app are integrated to ensure intuitive interface for desktop publishing and necessary interactive components.
Is FrontPage Still Relevant?
1. The History of FrontPage
Initially created by the Vermeer Technologie, Microsoft bought FrontPage in the year of 1996 and published its individual software version afterward. Microsoft released a new version with a minimalist interface two years later. That release played the role as content editors and creator intended for Internet Explorer browser.

In the development of generating your brand’s online awareness and presence, content is one of the main assuring factors. Digital marketing is often being ignored even though it could give some of the most commercial benefits. To take your potential of your operational aspect to the utmost, content managements system (CMS) is what you could use. It allows you to create and organize your website and its quality content.
List of 5 Top CMS to Use
By using the media and the content, you will potentially have a means to influence the industry. Connect your own business to the potential customers as well as offer your product and services.
If talking about the latest development on technology related sector, there is actually no limit on what kind of development and improvement it has come with. There are always something new, either in the form of improvement or innovation, which comes with the same package.
All Features of Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2
In this matter, the same thing applies to the case of Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2. As the improvement of the Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2 does come with several new things you did not find in the previous series.

If you have been pretty accustomed to the matter of internet and website, then you must have heard of Internet Information Service, abbreviated as IIS. But, to many people, such term is probably quite foreign to their ears. In this case, IIS is actually a web server provided by Microsoft. The purpose is to serve the HTML internet pages which have been requested by the users.
Details of IIS 10
Yes, to many people’s ignorance, there are actually quite a mechanism on how the HTML page is loaded and showed in your PC or laptop. In that very case, Microsoft has launched the newest and latest IIS 10 for better use.

WordPress becomes major platform to create website. It is one of popular CMS or Content Management system. You do not have to know coding and complex technical aspect of website as you only handle the content. However, WordPress also has administrator page to control several things. People like WordPress because of plugin as software to expand the website functionality. In general, plugin is software or package solely for wordpress with specific function. You may see website contains the form, chatting box, or any attractive feature. Those things are examples of plugin. There are tons of plugins of website with different function.
Aside with the new release of .Net Core 1.0, there is also a new update about announcing .Net Core 2.0. Naturally, there are differences between the 1.0 and the 2.0 version but what are they? And how do they differ in functions and use?
More about .Net Core 2.0
There are some basic facts about the .Net Core platform that you can learn and gain, especially if you are into an open source application. The development has been done since the late 90s so it is only logical if the current updates are causing a lot of excitement and fuss.
If you check the latest search engine trending topic, especially in terms of technology and computer, you will find news and updates about announcing .Net Core 1.0 which has become a huge fuss. Apparently, the update is a big thing and most developers have been waiting for the updates. With the updates, everyone (well, at least those in the industry) is excited and they are looking forward to the next detailed confirmation.
About .Net Core in Whole
Why is everyone waiting for the .Net Core and its platform? How is it important for the world of technology we know today?