You can find many pictures in website and blog with different quality. There are several extensions for picture file such as PNG, JPG, and GIF. More than 70% websites use JPG as extension for their pictures due to simple and efficient compression. In the same size with PNG, JPG is more vivid and flexible than GIF. JPG and JPEG are the same format that comes from Joint Photographic Expert Groups. Majority of editing software provide JPG as the last result after you are done at editing process. To know more about progressive JPEG, you need to read the followings sections, including its benefits.
When opening a website using your favorite browser, you normally find HTTP right in the front of particular web address. HTTP itself is considered as network protocol. It is a common protocol used throughout World Wide Web. Due to the rapid development of technology, this network protocol is upgraded as well. The upgraded version is called as HTTP/2. What makes them different? Let’s start with something simple such as what it stands for. Formerly, HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol. As original version, it is called as HTTP 1.1. Therefore, the upgraded version is called as HTTP/2.0. In order to make it shorter, they change it into HTTP/2.
We are living in the world of technology today. Even in business or doing trade, everything can be done through internet and technology. This is one of the major reasons why business websites are getting popular and needed. People with their brick and mortar shops start to think about setting their online display – as a part of their attempt to tell the world about their existence. But how do you create a website on your own? Don’t worry; we live in the era where everything is made possible even down to the technical stuff like this.
The Available Options
So, you have no technical background, skills, or experience.
Technological development has gotten more and more sophisticated nowadays. The increased utilization of internet has brought us to an era in which everything is connected. You can literally use the internet for almost everything, including doing business and other projects. One of the most useful aspects of the internet is the existence of website. Through a website, you can connect to the people around the world. It is basically a central place that connects many other web pages that you can access through visiting the main page.
Why You Need to Back up Your Website?
Nowadays, there are websites for everything.

Internet changes many things in today era. You can access tons of information at hand easily using smartphone or tablet. Well, although people still use PC and laptop, smartphone is the top device to access internet. When discussing about internet, you cannot ignore the most popular technology called website. Everything you want and need is available in website. For startup website, it is the toughest place to compete because millions of websites appear every day. You will compete with new and old player, especially the giant players with billion traffics. What do you do to overcome this situation? Some matters are good to consider as a part of five must have things for startup website.
MoreAs a website owner, sometimes we are faced with many kinds of financial considerations. Nowadays, there are many questions that are related with this case. Some questions like how we can push the cost, do we need this and that are maybe the kinds of questions that we always hear every day. Saving for making more profit is a good thing to do. However, doing a saving action in a really extreme step is not a really wise thing to do.
One of them is about the static ip. Many people are still confuse enough in deciding whether they need a static IP or not.
For a blogger or online businessman, traffic is an essential thing because it can be a sign for the popularity of their website. Actually, there are many steps that we can do to help in increasing the amount of visitors in our sites. Some of these steps can be done freely. What are those kinds’ free steps? On this article, we will try to explain some ways to increase the potential traffic for our website.
- Doing the Blog Walking
Blog walking is an activity where you have to visit the other people’s blog or website that is still having any relationship with our blog and then leaving any comments on that blog or website.