For a blogger or online businessman, traffic is an essential thing because it can be a sign for the popularity of their website. Actually, there are many steps that we can do to help in increasing the amount of visitors in our sites. Some of these steps can be done freely. What are those kinds’ free steps? On this article, we will try to explain some ways to increase the potential traffic for our website.
- Doing the Blog Walking
Blog walking is an activity where you have to visit the other people’s blog or website that is still having any relationship with our blog and then leaving any comments on that blog or website.
If you were always deal with website or if you were a website owner, you are maybe familiar with CMS or Content Management System. Actually, what is the meaning of CMS? CMS is web application or web software that has some aims such as make an easier management system such as uploading, editing, adding and many more contents into a website, blog, web application without needing any knowledge about technical things. Besides that, users are also not required for mastering the programming language for using a CMS. That is why; CMS offers many things to make a website managing is much easier.
There are many people assume that the first step in making a website is about designing. Actually, knowing some tips in choosing the right domain is the other essential thing that you have to aware. There are many people who forget about this thing because they always concentrate in designing their website. If we had already run a business before, we can try to insert our business name to make it as a domain. However, the problem is that is that domain is still available? What we have to do if a domain that we want was already used by the other users?
Choosing the right web hosting for your website is not a piece of cake. There are some aspects that you need to check before making a decision in buying a hosting. What are the kinds of things that you need to check before buying a hosting? Below is the further information and explanation that we will share.
- Price
The first thing that you need to check is price. You have to understand and know the detail of price that is offered by a web hosting provider. Usually, they have some kinds of packages with certain range of price.
On this article, we will try to compare between php and asp.net. We will try to compare these things on some aspects such as from the scalability, price and performance. In a side, php is a programming language that has millions of developers and it has some communities in a huge size. On the other side, asp.net is a platform that is made by Microsoft by using a .net language to develop its business. So, which one is the best? Below we will try to compare them on some aspects.
- Price
PHP is free, meanwhile asp.net is paid.
How Can I Write a Good Blog? So, we will talk about the tips. However, before continuing for giving the tips, we will inform you about the article writing style. Actually, there are 2 styles that are usually used: Journalistic and Summary styles. Journalistic style will give the main information at the beginning and the supported information will be placed in the middle or last. Meanwhile, the summary styles is like the news article where you have to give the detail information and then readers will decide whether they will read all the details or only the summary.
A good blog is a blog that has a lot of readers and most articles that are loved by Google.
How Joomla is Beneficial for Developing Business Website – Nowadays, Joomla is one of most wanted CMS in this world. There are so many reasons why people preferred for choosing this platform such as because of the system support availability that is free, flexibility and also users friendly. Joomla hosting can be running well on all the operation system, whether for Linux or Windows. It is also compatible with all the kinds of web hosting such as the shared hosting or dedicated web hosting.
Below are some best features from Joomla that can be an answer of the question on How Joomla is Beneficial for Developing Business Website:
- Wide Features and Joomla System
Joomla will make all the users are possible to build many online application and websites such as a company website, a job portal, intranet, ekstraner, community portal, family portal and also the private website.
MoreSomething You Have to Know about Reseller Web Hosting- Reseller is not always found on some online shop. Reselling web hosting means where you the resources from a parents web hosting and then you sell it to the other people by your own. Actually, you can get the benefits from some reselling system, but we cannot deny that the other people are maybe disappointed and not satisfied by the web hosting reseller.
There are many things that you have to know about this reselling system. First is about the rate. The rate that is charged is usually different between a client and the other client.
How Window Web Hosting Can Help You Save Time and Money – On the previous article, we already talked and informed that Windows is an hosting that is chosen by most of people or users in this world because of some essentials reasons. Windows is maybe more expensive than Linux, but many people agree that this web hosting at last will save our money and time more than Linux did.
This time and money saving can be gotten because Windows have some choices of services. The first service is the money back guarantee. There will be 30 days or maybe 60 days money back guarantee if their systems are not satisfying.
Should you choose windows hosting or linux hosting for your website is an interesting question that is needed to be answered. It is for sure that every of us want to get the best hosting which is appropriate and support our business. There are two system of operations that are usually used most web hosting companies. They are Linux and Windows. Choosing one of these kinds of operating systems is maybe not that hard, especially for them who deal with this stuff are always. However, for the beginner, it can be a little bit confusing. If you were a beginner, it is better to understand about those systems first.