Blog Hosting provider is an essential thing for your website. Nowadays, there are many providers that offer many kinds of hosting facilities with affordable price and complete facilities (as what they usually said). That is true that many providers offer many different and interesting things for us. So, which one is the best? Below are some tips that you can do in choosing the right blog hosting provider.
Find As much As Information and References
Cheap is not a keyword for this case. Besides that, you have to be careful with unlimited offer as well.
MoreHave you ever heard about Dotnetnuke? What is Dotnetnuke? Dotnetnuke is actually a kind of open source CMS or content Management System by using the VB.NET language. This CMS application can be widened by the usage of module and skin so that this application is used for make, spread and maintain the intranet, extranet and website. The professional edition of dotnetnuke had already covered the security upgrades, stability and guarantee support from the product or even application and it is available in cheaper price than the other application. For further explanation about Dotnetnuke, you can read our explanation below.
MoreAs a website owner, sometimes we are faced with many kinds of financial considerations. Nowadays, there are many questions that are related with this case. Some questions like how we can push the cost, do we need this and that are maybe the kinds of questions that we always hear every day. Saving for making more profit is a good thing to do. However, doing a saving action in a really extreme step is not a really wise thing to do.
One of them is about the static ip. Many people are still confuse enough in deciding whether they need a static IP or not.
MoreBlog is now becoming a really effective tool not only for saying about your opinions and share some knowledge, but also it becomes a really effective tool to get some profits. In the other words we can say that if blog was maintained really well and with the right way, it can be a really effective tool to make some money. One of the ways to raise your blog popularity is by updating your blog with some contents like articles continuously. Does it mean that you have to update as much as article? Which one is better, the quality or quantity of the blog content?
MoreWhy we have to use SSL? There are many people who ask about this question. That is why; it becomes really interesting to answer this question. Is SSL really important? SSL is like a backbone for our internet security and it will protect sensitive information along your internet data traffic. It will protect internet from any criminal attacks and gives many direct benefits for you and your customers.
Benefits of SSL
SSL can help you in encrypting the sensitive information. The main reason why you have to use SSL is to protect any sensitive information while the shipping process through internet is still running.
MoreWe knew that having a blog is really fun and it can be a great media for getting some incomes. That is why; nowadays there are many people who want to have and manage a blog or maybe more than one blog. For you who want to start owning a blog, we have some beginners’ tips that maybe it will be essential for you. What are those tips? Let’s check it out below.
- Decide your aim and topic
First of all, you have to decide the aim and topic of your blog.
MoreChoosing the right web hosting for your website is not a piece of cake. There are some aspects that you need to check before making a decision in buying a hosting. What are the kinds of things that you need to check before buying a hosting? Below is the further information and explanation that we will share.
- Price
The first thing that you need to check is price. You have to understand and know the detail of price that is offered by a web hosting provider. Usually, they have some kinds of packages with certain range of price.
MoreOn this article, we will try to compare between php and We will try to compare these things on some aspects such as from the scalability, price and performance. In a side, php is a programming language that has millions of developers and it has some communities in a huge size. On the other side, is a platform that is made by Microsoft by using a .net language to develop its business. So, which one is the best? Below we will try to compare them on some aspects.
- Price
PHP is free, meanwhile is paid.
MoreHow Can I Write a Good Blog? So, we will talk about the tips. However, before continuing for giving the tips, we will inform you about the article writing style. Actually, there are 2 styles that are usually used: Journalistic and Summary styles. Journalistic style will give the main information at the beginning and the supported information will be placed in the middle or last. Meanwhile, the summary styles is like the news article where you have to give the detail information and then readers will decide whether they will read all the details or only the summary.
A good blog is a blog that has a lot of readers and most articles that are loved by Google.
MoreWhat are Some Keys to Effective Blogging – Blogging is not only writing the articles or information without any “rules”. Furthermore, for making your blog is more famous, there are some keys that you can do. This is a must, especially for you who want to make it as a tool for making some pennies. Below are some keys that you can do, so you can start to blogging effectively.
- Headlines
Headline is the first thing that is seen by readers. That is why; you have to make it as compelling as you can.