When you start up a website, choosing the right hosting service is crucial. For those who have started their businesses, they tend to choose the shared hosting service – mostly because of the financial reason. Yes, this service is more inexpensive (that’s why it suits most of the startups’ budgets) but with several limitation and downsides.
The Major Reasons in Choosing Dedicated Server
As the name suggests, shared hosting service runs on a single server that needs to share with several users. Because you share the server with the others, you also share the operational cost, which leads to the inexpensive charge.
We are living in the world of technology today. Even in business or doing trade, everything can be done through internet and technology. This is one of the major reasons why business websites are getting popular and needed. People with their brick and mortar shops start to think about setting their online display – as a part of their attempt to tell the world about their existence. But how do you create a website on your own? Don’t worry; we live in the era where everything is made possible even down to the technical stuff like this.
The Available Options
So, you have no technical background, skills, or experience.
Window Server 2012 – maybe most of you had already heard about Windows Server 2012. What is this actually? Window Server 2012 is the newest operation system that is released by Microsoft after Windows server 2008 and Windows server 2012. Just like the Windows server 20018 R2, the Window Server 2012 is only produced in 64 bit architecture. Below we will share more information about this windows server from Microsoft.
Window Server 2012 is actually divided into 4 different editions. This is also an essential knowledge that you have to know. Those editions are:
• Window Server 2012 Foundation
• Window Server 2012 Essential
• Window Server 2012Stabdard
• Window Server 2012 Datacenter
Those are 4 different editions of Window Server 2012.
MoreHosting controls panels is a feature that is essential for website. It can allow users to for managing many server services of a web browser. There are many kinds of hosting controls panels that are really popular among the internet users. Nowadays on this article, we will explain and compare between Plesk and Websitepanel. That is why; you have to stay on this article if you wanted to know the different between these things.
We will start from Plesk. Plesk is actually a leading control panel in United States. Furthermore, this control panel has for about 75 up to 80% in the European market.
For a blogger or online businessman, traffic is an essential thing because it can be a sign for the popularity of their website. Actually, there are many steps that we can do to help in increasing the amount of visitors in our sites. Some of these steps can be done freely. What are those kinds’ free steps? On this article, we will try to explain some ways to increase the potential traffic for our website.
- Doing the Blog Walking
Blog walking is an activity where you have to visit the other people’s blog or website that is still having any relationship with our blog and then leaving any comments on that blog or website.
There are many people assume that the first step in making a website is about designing. Actually, knowing some tips in choosing the right domain is the other essential thing that you have to aware. There are many people who forget about this thing because they always concentrate in designing their website. If we had already run a business before, we can try to insert our business name to make it as a domain. However, the problem is that is that domain is still available? What we have to do if a domain that we want was already used by the other users?
How Window Web Hosting Can Help You Save Time and Money – On the previous article, we already talked and informed that Windows is an hosting that is chosen by most of people or users in this world because of some essentials reasons. Windows is maybe more expensive than Linux, but many people agree that this web hosting at last will save our money and time more than Linux did.
This time and money saving can be gotten because Windows have some choices of services. The first service is the money back guarantee. There will be 30 days or maybe 60 days money back guarantee if their systems are not satisfying.
How Dedicated Server Hosting Meets Performance and Security Demands – With the development of technologies that is followed by the development of some issues or problems, it is no doubt that we need a tool with great performance and security supports, especially for our business. One of a weapon that is now used on the business world is web hosting. Many businessmen need a reliable and the best web hosting. As we know that website that we have is organized by web hosting that we rent. So, we need a web hosting that will guarantee that they will back up our website really well.