What makes a website go slow? You probably ask this question when you click on a link and yet you wait forever for it to open up. It’s not such a nice thing to expect, huh? Imagine if it happens to your website. Potential clients or buyers will definitely run away when they can’t access your website in an instant. Find out the reasons why the website is so slow so you can find the alternative solutions.
The Most Common Reasons
Although clicking a link to a website may seem like a simple action, there are actually a lot of things going on behind the scene.
You can obtain domain easily. Regulation for having .com as website extension is not complicated. You can buy it from many providers with attractive price. One of benefits of using .com is cheap price. You do not have to spend much money and complex requirement to obtain this domain. That is why .com is very popular and becomes the top list of domain extension in 2017. More about this list will be in the following section
The Top Domain Extension in 2017
1. .com
You may think .com should not be on this list due to common popularity.

Internet changes many things in today era. You can access tons of information at hand easily using smartphone or tablet. Well, although people still use PC and laptop, smartphone is the top device to access internet. When discussing about internet, you cannot ignore the most popular technology called website. Everything you want and need is available in website. For startup website, it is the toughest place to compete because millions of websites appear every day. You will compete with new and old player, especially the giant players with billion traffics. What do you do to overcome this situation? Some matters are good to consider as a part of five must have things for startup website.
Should you choose windows hosting or linux hosting for your website is an interesting question that is needed to be answered. It is for sure that every of us want to get the best hosting which is appropriate and support our business. There are two system of operations that are usually used most web hosting companies. They are Linux and Windows. Choosing one of these kinds of operating systems is maybe not that hard, especially for them who deal with this stuff are always. However, for the beginner, it can be a little bit confusing. If you were a beginner, it is better to understand about those systems first.