Internet has many good things to help people. On the other side, it is like blade; depending on how people use it. Although it is good, bad things can also happen. You may be familiar with terms of hacking, malware, DDOS attack, virus, etc. All of them are another side of internet technology. Website owner requires protection for safety measure and controlling situation. This is where Sitelock and Code Guard come into the right place. You cannot afford to have issue when the website is at its peak.
Further Information about Sitelock and Code Guard
Technological development has gotten more and more sophisticated nowadays. The increased utilization of internet has brought us to an era in which everything is connected. You can literally use the internet for almost everything, including doing business and other projects. One of the most useful aspects of the internet is the existence of website. Through a website, you can connect to the people around the world. It is basically a central place that connects many other web pages that you can access through visiting the main page.
Why You Need to Back up Your Website?
Nowadays, there are websites for everything.

What is Shared SSL? – SSL or Secure Socket Layers is a protocol that wills possibly the information transfer process and data that is done was encrypted so that it will become more secure. In related with ssl, you maybe will hear about shared SSL as well. What is that actually? Below we will explain more about the shared SSL.
Definition of Shared SSL
For using the shared SSL you have to use a domain and usually you will not be able to use your own domain. Usually, if you used shared SSL on your own domain, there will be a warning of un-valid SSL in your browser and sometimes you will be unable to access your website.

Why we have to use SSL? There are many people who ask about this question. That is why; it becomes really interesting to answer this question. Is SSL really important? SSL is like a backbone for our internet security and it will protect sensitive information along your internet data traffic. It will protect internet from any criminal attacks and gives many direct benefits for you and your customers.
Benefits of SSL
SSL can help you in encrypting the sensitive information. The main reason why you have to use SSL is to protect any sensitive information while the shipping process through internet is still running.
Sitelock is one of the important features that you have to add in your website. However, what is sitelock actually? Sitelock is a security service feature for a website that will give any protections from hackers’ attack, malware and the other things that can break a business website. Besides protecting website from any dangerous things in the internet, sitelock will also protect our website so it will be avoided from any blocks that are done by search engine, like Google.
Why you have to use sitelock for your business website?
As what we already explained above, sitelock is really important to secure your website for any dangerous things in online world.
If we talked about SSL, there are many related words that we can discuss. One of those things is about the type of SSL. Actually, there are 4 kinds of SSL that we can find and how to choose SSL is different between each type. That is why; below we will inform those 4 kinds of SSL and how to choose each SSL.
- Domain Validated SSL Certificate
This SSL is used for validating the ownership of your SSL and this type is the most popular type among bloggers. The data that is used has to be same with the domain data at WHOIS so it is guaranteed.