What makes a website go slow? You probably ask this question when you click on a link and yet you wait forever for it to open up. It’s not such a nice thing to expect, huh? Imagine if it happens to your website. Potential clients or buyers will definitely run away when they can’t access your website in an instant. Find out the reasons why the website is so slow so you can find the alternative solutions.
The Most Common Reasons
Although clicking a link to a website may seem like a simple action, there are actually a lot of things going on behind the scene.
It is necessary to know the features brought by Windows Server 2016 after it has been available. This section will describe some new changed things of it. The new features will be discussed further by categorizing them into some aspects as follows.
New Features of Different Aspects in Windows Server 2016
1. Networking
One of the new things in Window Server 2016 is about the networking features. The improvement is made for TCP performance and SDN or Software Defined Networking. Windows has implemented TCP TLP or Tail Loss Probe as well as RACK or Recent Acknowledgment.

How Dedicated Server Hosting Meets Performance and Security Demands – With the development of technologies that is followed by the development of some issues or problems, it is no doubt that we need a tool with great performance and security supports, especially for our business. One of a weapon that is now used on the business world is web hosting. Many businessmen need a reliable and the best web hosting. As we know that website that we have is organized by web hosting that we rent. So, we need a web hosting that will guarantee that they will back up our website really well.