By: admin

web hosting

04 SepFeatures of a Good Web Hosting Company

4 Features of a Good Web Hosting Company- When you run a website, we cannot deny that you need a proper or maybe the best web hosting company. This hosting company will support your website for reaching the best results. Nowadays, there are plenty of web hosting companies that we can find. So which one is the best? Below, we will give you 4 features that are essentials are usually having by only the good web hosting company. So, check this out.

  1. Storage with Large Amount

a thing that should become your main consideration in choosing the best web hosting company is about amount of storage that you can get and use.


06 SepSharepoint 2007 Hosting now Available at WebhostforASP.NET!

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) or Sharepoint 2007 Hosting is an integrated suite of server capabilities that can help improve organisational effectiveness by providing comprehensive content management and enterprise search, accelerating shared business processes, and facilitating information sharing across boundaries for better business insight.

Microsoft Office SharePoint Hosting 2007 supports all intranet, extranet and web applications across an enterprise within one integrated platform, instead of relying on separate fragmented systems.  Additionally, this collaboration and content management server provides IT professionals and developers with the platform and tools they need for server administration, application extensibility and interoperability.


22 AugBuild Website with Joomla

Joomla has emerged as a popular content management system used to create websites from the beginning. Its user manual focuses more on the functionality instead of end user’s perspective. This open source software was developed in 2005 and has been adding to its flourishing list of users with every passing day.

Developers across the world have been able to develop Joomla templates as per project-centric requirements. Most of them absolutely free of cost while others are put on sale. Some of the free Joomla templates have high quality and they can be shared with other Joomla community members with great ease.


18 AugWindows Reseller Hosting – Competition Point of View

Did you ever wonder what reseller hosting really is? It is basically a form of web hosting in which the owner of the account is using his or her bandwidth and hard disk space to host third party websites. Resellers basically purchase the host’s services and, though marketing and advertisement, manage to sell them to third parties. Some of them might rent a dedicated server from the web hosting company, while others simply receive the right to sell a part of the hosting company’s server bandwidth and storage space to their clients. The best thing about reseller hosting is the fact that the reseller is not responsible for the hardware and software parts.


13 AugWhat Are Benefits of Windows Hosting?

One of the great debates among It professionals and web developers is over which hosting platform is the best. Some will argue that the cost of Linux software, which is free, trumps the advantages of Windows. Others say that Windows offers more and thus is better. The truth is that both have their pros and cons, and the one that you end up choosing will often be a matter of personal preference. You will find, however, that Windows hosting has quite a few benefits that you will be able to enjoy.

What are a few of the benefits of choosing Windows hosting?


09 AugA Dynamic Website Development Service With ASP.NET

Today, ASP.NET development service attracts the world to use it to develop dynamic and professional websites which will push the business towards the top level. It is a software framework that is developed by Microsoft and permit programmer to create dynamic websites and web applications. It is very powerful technology which is developed to connect the company, its employees, customers and partners who use it on the web. It is very useful in general activities like template frameworks, management of the database, database access and other.

Its framework has been developed for the individual purpose exclusively for Web pages because earlier, it is very complicated to update constant pages manually before its invention.


06 AugBuild website with ASP


Active Server Pages or ASP in website hosting uses the ASP programming language developed by Microsoft. Even though classic ASP is no longer supported, Microsoft pushes the ASP.NET version for web hosting. ASP.NET is HTML pages with embedded ASP scripts processed on the server before sending the page to the user. This allows for a very fast and powerful web experience.

Web pages displayed on the internet are either static or dynamic. Static pages display information that never changes while dynamic pages can change content automatically.


05 AugClassic ASP Vs ASP.Net

ASP (Active Server Pages) was for the first time was released in December 1996. Since then it has been through major changes and has grown and tailored to the new methods of developing web sites and applications for the internet over the period of time. There are two major forms of ASP:

o Classic ASP and

In major weight is on n-tier architecture in the application development and there is separation of data presentation, business logic and data access layers. In classic ASP these layers are mixed leading to the development of ineffective solutions with huge architecture that are difficult to sustain.


02 Aug10 Common Mistakes to Avoid With SEO Marketing

Search engine optimization is a process to make a website searchable on the internet when keywords related to that website are searched. The basic process is a complicated equation which keeps changing according to the search algorithm of search engines.

Professional SEO companies provide optimization services and each company’s approach is different. But there are certain mistakes every website designer and SEO optimizer should avoid. Those are:

1.  Right content, wrong title. Titles are the first thing that a search engine will locate during a search. This has to be correct and relevant to your content.


29 JulSpeed up your Joomla site with Page Caching

Joomla is a popular web content management system used for various types of websites, from small homepages to medium size corporate pages, and it’s free open-source script based on PHP language. This means that there are no static HTML pages, each page has to be rendered from the data in the MySQL database, template and various extensions. This makes it very flexible.

However, this approach has one big drawback. The rendering takes tame. Every time the page is requested, Joomla has to create it from scratch. For each request there are a lot of database queries, file reads and scripts processed.
