When PHP is compared to ASP, there will be a debate on whether the other one is a better language than the latter. As much as it is debatable, it is essential to do a simple comparison between those two.
The Battle between PHP and ASP
The intention is that other web developers will not get caught up in the choices. Both languages are utilized in a huge number of web-based functions. Some popular websites utilize those languages as well. Accordingly, there must not be any hesitation on their programming capacity.
1. Hypertext Preprocessor and Active Server Pages
Hypertext Preprocessor or being known as PHP is created as a device for scripting.

If you happen to have an intention on starting off online business, then you might need to pay attention to how to improve your business with web hosting. In general, people usually prefer to pay attention to several things they are accustomed to in the matter of business, such as the potential market, the strength of the products they offer, and anything that pertains to the matter.
The Services of Web Hosting
However, there are only a few people who realize that there is more than just those products related factors mentioned earlier. In that case, there is one thing you need to resort to if you want your online business to be successful.

Window Server 2012 – maybe most of you had already heard about Windows Server 2012. What is this actually? Window Server 2012 is the newest operation system that is released by Microsoft after Windows server 2008 and Windows server 2012. Just like the Windows server 20018 R2, the Window Server 2012 is only produced in 64 bit architecture. Below we will share more information about this windows server from Microsoft.
Window Server 2012 is actually divided into 4 different editions. This is also an essential knowledge that you have to know. Those editions are:
• Window Server 2012 Foundation
• Window Server 2012 Essential
• Window Server 2012Stabdard
• Window Server 2012 Datacenter
Those are 4 different editions of Window Server 2012.
How Window Web Hosting Can Help You Save Time and Money – On the previous article, we already talked and informed that Windows is an hosting that is chosen by most of people or users in this world because of some essentials reasons. Windows is maybe more expensive than Linux, but many people agree that this web hosting at last will save our money and time more than Linux did.
This time and money saving can be gotten because Windows have some choices of services. The first service is the money back guarantee. There will be 30 days or maybe 60 days money back guarantee if their systems are not satisfying.