This question has been asked over and over again since web hosting has become so popular. There are a lot of different answers on the Web, but we will try to e objective and, hopefully, you will be more educated in this matter after finishing this article. First, let’s be clear on some things. Web hosting is not an easy business and nor will it make you rich overnight. Although popular Content Management Systems (CMS) and Control Panels (CP) make a lot of people think that managing a server is an easy task, know that these systems have their limitations.
MoreDotNetNuke is the most popular Content Management System (CMS) for the .NET market. It is used on millions of websites and by tens of thousands of companies all around the world. But what makes this CMS so special and why do people love it? First of all, it is very easy to install. You can have DotNetNuke installed and running in a matter of minutes. This is extremely useful for busy businessmen and even for developers. All you have to do to have it installed and running is download the software and follow the simple installation tutorial. Aside from being easy to install, it is also very easy to use.
MoreAre you wondering why Windows hosting is better than Linux hosting? If you ask 10 people what they think, 5 will say that Windows hosting is the best, while the other 5 will say that Linux hosting is far better. Opinions are split and there are few people who really know which is better. We will try to be as objective as possible and our opinions are backed up by surveys and white papers. Although Linux hosting offers some good possibilities, we highly recommend Windows hosting! Let’s see why.
They all say Linux is free.
MoreDid you notice that many people are still using ASP? This is somewhat strange due to the popularity of.NET. Why are they still using the classic instead of the new and powerful ASP.NET? First of all,.NET has XML-based components, better language support and user authentication, and a huge set of new controls. It can also increase performance by running code that is already compiled. However,.NET code is not backward compatible with ASP code, making transitions somewhat time consuming.
Classic, unlike ASP.NET, is running under the IIS process space, otherwise knows as inetinfo.exe.
MoreWhich is better, Silverlight or Flash? If you are still deciding between Silverlight hosting and Flash hosting, perhaps this article will help you take a decision. First, let’s see what Silverlight is. It is a cross-browser and cross-platform browser plug-in that comes to the aid of companies when it comes to designing, developing, and delivering complex applications on the World Wide Web. This system is very easy to install and the download is absolutely free. Silverlight is able to create rich Internet applications by working with the.NET framework and can create visually rich experiences. The system also allows for rapid development.
MoreDotNetNuke Hosting is content management system for your web pages fast to found, easy and and interactive to site creation and Microsoft. This framework is enticing more users because the ordinary user easy to create sites with a features and functionality to working web-based applications.
Web design is definitely something you should focus on because it will ultimately dictate whether or not the site will be of help. Of course, when designing, you have to use a method that is efficient. You would simply need a method that is both easy and productive such as DotNetNuke Hosting development.
MoreASP.NET 4 brings a lot of new possibilities over its predecessor, ASP.NET 3. One of the best additions is support for meta keywords and meta description. These are very important parts of a website if you want to rank high in search engines. It is also a vital part of SEO. Unlike in ASP.NET 3, where you would need to work with the HtmlMeta class, with ASP.NET 4 you can add meta and description tags directly from the Page object through two new properties. ASP.NET 4 brings more control on Controls ViewState by adding a new property, the ViewStateMode.
MoreASP.NET Web Hosting : ASP.NET 2 has made developing web applications much easier with far less code! ASP.NET is a set of technologies in the Microsoft .NET Framework for building Web applications and XML Web services. ASP Hosting supports multiple .NET languages including built-in support for VB.NET, C#, and JScript.NET, give you flexibility in your choice of programming languages.
Windows Hosting
Windows hosting is NT based web hosting asp server commonly installed with Microsoft Windows Server Edition such XP/2003 configured with internet information services to execute Active Server Pages (ASP Hosting). Windows hosting means hosting of web services or web pages that runs on the Windows operating system.
MoreThe 2 major types of web hosting are the Linux and the Windows hosting. As we all know, Windows is a Microsoft product a license with Microsoft. So, the question on which hosting plan is better? Let us make a comparison here.
The Windows hosting operating system is the most used operating system in the world. It is said that 95% of all PCs uses it. Therefore, they are the dominant force and people looking for a host will be more likely to go for Windows. The Windows have a system called the ASP.NET technology comes with .NET.