February 2018


06 FebThe Most Recommended Plugin for WordPress

WordPress becomes major platform to create website. It is one of popular CMS or Content Management system. You do not have to know coding and complex technical aspect of website as you only handle the content. However, WordPress also has administrator page to control several things. People like WordPress because of plugin as software to expand the website functionality. In general, plugin is software or package solely for wordpress with specific function. You may see website contains the form, chatting box, or any attractive feature. Those things are examples of plugin. There are tons of plugins of website with different function.


04 FebAnnouncing .Net Core 2.0

Aside with the new release of .Net Core 1.0, there is also a new update about announcing .Net Core 2.0. Naturally, there are differences between the 1.0 and the 2.0 version but what are they? And how do they differ in functions and use?

More about .Net Core 2.0

There are some basic facts about the .Net Core platform that you can learn and gain, especially if you are into an open source application. The development has been done since the late 90s so it is only logical if the current updates are causing a lot of excitement and fuss.
