The next step you should do when designing and developing web pages is how to get your website hosted on the Internet. But with so many web hosting companies offering various types of web hosting packages – shared web hosting, dedicated web hosting, managed web hosting, which type of hosting should you choose?
It’s a general rule, it is certainly a very good idea to go for shared web hosting if you are a small business owner and cost is your primary concern. But before you make a decision hosting for your website, let us understand what is used by web hosting services and what the advantages and disadvantages along with web hosting.
What is shared web hosting?
Shared web hosting is a service that are economically comfortable and hosting this web site for the most cocol if it did not require very high performance and high bandwidth. As the name implies, shared web hosting is a web server hosting web pages are divided by many other sites. The number of websites on shared hosting servers can be up to a thousand times more. Because the reason other than large and high performance web hosting servers are owned by many different websites, web hosting company that provides shared web hosting can offer these services at their economic level.
Even with so many websites hosted on a web server, you can be sure that the web hosting service providers will not compromise on any kind of security and performance issues on shared hosting servers if customers experience problems. In addition, shared web hosting servers are operated, monitored and maintained by IT professionals to ensure minimum server downtimes every hour and regular.
Technically speaking, shared hosting servers run on Unix or multi-user operating system and each website hosted on a web server used to be a separate account in the operating system running. Typically, a web site hosted on a server with the given IP address with and allocate the amount to be able to improve web resources.
Advantages of Shared Web Hosting Service
Like many sites hosted on a web server, web hosting can offer a lower cost compared to other web hosting services. In general, you can expect to pay $ 5-10 per month for shared web hosting services offered by them. Because of fierce competition in the web hosting industry, you can find many companies offering web hosting large web space and big bandwidth.
Shared Web hosting servers are managed and maintained by highly trained professionals with specialized knowledge in the field. As a result, you can concentrate on your web business and let the professionals take care of maintenance and uptime of the web server.
Although shared web resource, but for the web master can manage your website easily because they use the control panel or similar tools provided by web hosting companies. They are free to upload files, delete pages, add database, check web statistics and they are also allowed to make a specific domain name and the same as e-mail accounts.
Shared web hosting with web space and bandwidth is more than enough for a web site that runs a small business types. However, you can always add more resources you need to add on the web in terms of bandwidth usage.
Lack of Shared Web Hosting Service
Slow Responses
Given that the physical web servers that are used together, the risk in the use of the site in the web hosting together must be received by the server response time is very slow compared to dedicated hosting server.
Reliability Issues
In most cases, web hosting provider might be easy to maintain security and performance of servers together. However, it may happen that some of the websites hosted on shared servers to run malicious programs or scripts, or over-utilizing resources that can bring problems to the web server. Your website should also bear in terms of downtime because it can not be accessed.
Sharing Problems
In addition, you only need one weakness in your web site that share the server to get your website as a ban by the ISP or search engine due to shared IP addresses. With the record you want apabilan specific IP address, you must remove the extra fees.
Shared web hosting is usually more risky and opens potential security problems because other web masters who have accounts on the same web servers can be hacked into sensitive data.
Before you decide to make a deal to cooperate with the web hosting company, make sure you to consider all the pros and cons of shared web hosting services above. However, selecting the right web hosting services may be one of the most important business decisions for the progress of your online business.
If you require more information about Shared Web Hosting , please contact WebhostforASP.NET at
About WebhostforASP.NET :
WebhostforASP.NET provides a wide range of Windows Hosting solutions / ASP Hosting solution, with a great many features, well beyond the basic web account, and well surpassing the competition. WebhostforASP.NET leads its competitors in offering customers, for instance, multiple-domain accounts. For more Windows hosting info, please visit