When we find a company to publish a web hosting or e-mail to the company, which of course is the consideration offered advantages. General standard that limits a hosting package is the amount of space and bandwidth limit. But almost certainly all hosting companies offer high uptime even guaranteed.

Web Hosting Uptime.

Long uptime Hosting a hosting server can provide service to customers. Suppose the hosting company offers a 100% uptime means the website and hosting facilities will be guaranteed to be accessible continuously.

The opposite is uptime downtime. Let’s say your website was not accessible for 2 hours, means you have web hosting for 2 minutes of downtime.

Web Hosting Uptime Why Important?

Hosting service uptime guarantee becomes very important because it concerns the service reliability. Imagine if during working hours, we must send or receive e-mails but the hosting server down? Of course we will be harmed.

Type of Downtime

• Planned Downtime (planned downtime)
As the name implies, downtime will be experienced by customers is planned. Suppose that when a hosting company will upgrade the server hardware or restart the server because there are software upgrades that require restart.

• Semi Planned Downtime (semi-planned downtime)
Semi Planned Downtime is possible since the sudden but organized. Suppose a web server is running a version of PHP version 4.xx and it has a security hole. So do upgrade PHP versions and upgrades over the possibility of the service will be disrupted for a few minutes.

• Unplanned downtime (unplanned downtime)
Unplanned downtime is usually caused by overloaded servers and then have to hang or some problems occurred in the performance of hardware like RAM modules damaged or internet die.

Uptime Guarantee
Downtime of the type mentioned above is clear that a web hosting can’t be free from downtime because they need to perform maintenance on the server as well. So when a web hosting uptime guaranteed 100%.

If you require more information about Web Hosting, please contact WebhostforASP.NET at http://webhostforasp.net/contactus.aspx

About WebhostforASP.NET :

WebhostforASP.NET provides a wide range of Windows Hosting solutions / ASP.NET Hosting solutions, with a great many features, well beyond the basic web account, and well surpassing the competition. WebhostforASP.NET leads its competitors in offering customers, for instance, multiple-domain accounts. For more Windows hosting info, please visit http://webhostforasp.net/