Rapid technological development certainly requires someone to always be connected with all available information. This can be easily reached through internet, specifically websites. Website is a place where all forms of information are provided. It also requires managers called webmasters or administrators, and it can also be rented out by manager or what we commonly known as web hosting business. As it turns out, business websites don’t just stop there. There are other parties that function as extension of the webmaster and run a website rental business. This business is called reseller business web hosting. Well, this time we will explore more deeply about the business.
New Business of Reselling Web Hosting Service
If you look at the outline, reseller business web hosting looks like something with a very complicated plot and legal paperwork. Not to mention when talking about sharing results with the web hosting company itself. Moreover, it is not the A-type company, but only a middle-class company with sufficient server capacity to host websites. Plus, the relationship between reseller and web hosting company is nothing but a supply and demand.
Since this transaction is quite unique where there are no physical items involved, for those who are interested in becoming a web hosting reseller is also faced with the fact that this business will have a high risk. You will not only be required to find as many clients as possible, but you also have to coordinate well with your own web hosting company. Here are some steps that you must take to get your reselling web hosting business going well.
• Find and determine a good web hosting company
At this initial stage, you must position yourself as a buyer. You not only have to find a price package as cheap as possible, but also have to choose a trusted web hosting package. Each package must have advantages and disadvantages, but as much as possible choose an attractive web hosting package. This is intended, so you can attract the prospective buyers later.
• Modify the package
After finding a web hosting company with an attractive package, and cross-checking the quality and track record of the company, it’s time to make the package offered by company even more attractive. If the price is a problem, of course, you cannot move because you are definitely aiming for profit. However, for other features, you can maximize as much as you can, for example, you can add free administrator-coding or CSS design. That’s way you can add the selling price of the package you have.
• Publicity
No matter how good is your package, if you don’t market it properly, the results will be the same or not sold. You must start posting web hosting ads anywhere, including on your websites. Give a presentation about the website features properly and the client will definitely come to you.
That is a series of paths that you can do as a first step in building a web hosting reseller business. Good communication links will help you get big profits.