Do you ever think reselling webhosting is a lucrative industry? Not many people realize this as a big chance to reach success. The facts that more and more people are going online; it increases the potential to earn money from internet. Rather than selling daily products online, you can try a bigger step by reselling webhosting. How to make money as webhosting reseller? Before going straightly to know how, you need to know what actually reselling webhosting is.
Promising Business from Reselling Webhosting
Webhosting reseller refers to a person who seeks for clients to join certain web hosting company. In other words, the reseller plays a role to market the hosting company. Some people buy space and bandwidth from certain hosting company then sells to his customers. This is considered as potential field to gain profits for several reasons. You can use any marketing strategy to attract more customers. The more people join the webhosting company, the more money you make. You can operate conversion rates or invest on PPC (Pay per Click).
According to the meaning of reselling webhosting above, you can figure out how it works to make money from this business. As long as you know the marketing strategy, it is not impossible to earn six-figure income per month. You possibly get double income from your clients and your webhosting company. To start this business, you can run the webhosting reselling by doing these things:
1. Find the right plan
The very first thing to do is deciding the right hosting plan. Before that, you need to map the clients and customers of your market. You should be able to meet their needs so that your plan will be attractive to them. It includes providing the right space and bandwidth size needed by your clients. You should also be able to provide the software type they are going to use for the website. After gathering this information, you are ready to offer the webhosting product.
2. Growth management
If this is the first time you resell webhosting, you need to pay attention to every growth happens to your business. This helps you find out the development so that you can decide another step to grow bigger. When everything goes well, you can start out bigger plan with more services.
3. Avoid overselling
This is a common mistake practiced by webhosting reseller. Whenever they get many consumers, they keep selling without considering the server capacity. This is a fatal mistake that probably makes the server down. Or else, the minor impact is slow performance experience by your clients. Surely this affects to your reputation as webhosting seller that promises fast speed.
That is how you can earn money from reselling webhosting. All you need is marketing strategy to find the right target market. If you can understand what they require for their internet site, you can provide everything they need about webhosting. With the right marketing tactics, it is not impossible to earn six-figure income in a month. provide hosting starting from $3.99/month with specification Storage Space 4000 MB, Bandwidth 50 GB, 1 Website, 1 MS SQL 2012, 1 MySQL Database.
Please visit for more information. And also we provide backup plan every day that we set in server with powerful firewall and anti-virus. For the reseller hosting plan, you can visit our page at and